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PERI mission statement

Your added value is what drives us

Ensuring we have satisfied customers is our highest priority. Our entire business operations are focused on achieving this which results in our strict orientation on deriving maximum customer benefits. We want you to benefit directly from our products and services particularly from the close cooperation with us and have a real competitive edge in the market – both technically as well as economically.

Because we know our customers, their tough day-to-day working environment and their competition, it is always a question of ensuring that our products and services find solutions to problems, simplify and accelerate operations, enhance on-site safety levels and, in particular, help reduce time and costs. Therefore, around 1,300 PERI engineers worldwide are hard at work every day in order to develop efficient solutions and implementation plans to realize our customers projects. And it is not unusual that new products or additional services are generated from such individual solutions. Parallel to this, PERI research activities constantly strive to develop innovative technologies and products that meet the needs of our customers around the world.

As partner at the side of our customers jointly implementing the best and most cost-effective formwork and scaffolding solution in each case thus strengthening the competitiveness of our customers over the long term – and we work hard on this with total conviction. 

The PERI performance price: an important contribution for ensuring the satisfaction of our customers

Our engineers take into consideration the total cost of materials and working hours in every product development – we call this the “performance price”. Fact is that if material costs are reduced and valuable planning, working, crane or machine time can be saved, then the investment quickly pays for itself and the price is put into perspective again.

Partnership-based solutions

At the core of our company is the development and production of formwork and scaffolding systems. Designed to handle the tough day-to-day working environment, PERI products must demonstrate real benefits on a daily basis. We see ourselves not only as efficient providers of high-quality formwork and scaffolding technology. Instead, keeping a close eye on the business of our customers, their benefits and added value is our top priority in everything we do.

We see ourselves in the role as the provider of ideas and support in order to develop the best solution together with our customers for meeting the individual requirements in each case. Thus, we provide our customers with an advantage regarding market opportunities, flexibility and competitiveness with the aim of exerting a positive influence on their business development over the long term.

Behind all of this are values that have been key in our family-run company since its founding and have firmly established themselves in the guiding principles: the open and respectful behaviour towards each other, recognizing customer benefits as a potential for success along with the pursuit of excellence – all of this is modus operandi at PERI worldwide.

PERI products and services form the basis of our performance spectrum. Together with our values and self-perception, the best solution for our customers is determined.

First-class quality is standard at PERI

We endeavour to produce and deliver consistently high quality on a sustained basis. Therefore, we continually invest in modern production processes and inspection procedures to become even better. Already during product development phase, we subject the components to a wide range of tests in order to get the most out of them ready for the serial production. This includes, among other things, longevity tests in salt baths or torsion tests on the individual components. Thus, we ensure that PERI systems are suitable for tough everyday operations on the construction site as well as being considered reliable enough.

The entire process of the subsequent serial production is subject to continuous quality assurance which is clearly defined and has been repeatedly certified, from purchase through to delivery. This means we can provide the promised quality of PERI formwork and scaffolding systems.

Here, too, the results are repeatedly placed under continuing review. And naturally we always use new findings to implement further improvements. For example, an additional cavity sealing with active corrosion protection was developed for the MAXIMO Panel Formwork and integrated in the production process which, in turn, has further increased the durability of our innovative wall formwork.

The wide range of PERI development and production processes include load tests, durability tests as well as continuous quality control. Furthermore, certification from external testing institutes and organisations attest to the high quality of the PERI products:

Development, production and quality assurance work hand in hand at our company. Highly qualified personnel and the very latest production and testing procedures ensure long-lasting products.

Sustainability as a main principle

Future viability as well as ecological and economic sustainability have a high priority for all our company activities. The focal point is geared towards the best material utilization as early as the development phase while the load-optimized design of the PERI systems and system components ensures economical use of materials. The selection of raw materials and their procurement takes place at PERI in terms of ecological sustainability. Therefore, for example, the wood for our plywood formliners originates as far as possible from certified, sustainably-managed forests. Our procurement processes are an integral part of the quality management system and we take into consideration and optimize current and future environmental costs. Thereby, the substitution of hazardous or harmful substances has also been company strategy at PERI for decades.

In the production, new technologies and efficient processes ensure resource-saving manufacturing and best product quality. This guarantees a high number of repeat uses and a long service life of the PERI systems which, in turn, positively influences the consumption of resources. However, if the demanding daily wear and tear does result in damage being caused, the PERI material can be professionally refurbished in our logistics centres. Delivery and construction site logistics are also optimized regarding shipping volumes and transportation routes. Strategically-positioned sites guarantee short delivery distances whereby transportation is also continuously optimised through an intelligent logistics network.

Last but not least as a family-owned company, we are in principle oriented towards maintaining sustainability. Future-oriented actions based on economic, social and environmental sustainability has always been a central element of the PERI culture. The PERI company management has thereby acted with a far-sighted approach and implemented a long-term strategy – beginning with the founding of new PERI locations and the comprehensive training programme for PERI employees through to the strategic development of new markets and business areas.

The design of the MULTIPROP Prop exemplifies optimized material utilization: the shape guarantees a high load-bearing capacity of the prop with minimum material requirements.

MULTIPROP Aluminium Slab Props

The DUO Universal Formwork components are made of a technopolymer in injection moulds which means no waste is generated. Used material can be used to manufacture new products.

DUO Universal Formwork

PERI systems have been designed to provide a long service life. With panel formwork, for example, even badly damaged elements can to be used countless more times after being repaired and fitted with a new formliner.

Cleaning and Repairs

A symbol of sustainability at PERI: wood chips which occur as a waste product in the girder production feed our biomass heat and power plant at the company headquarters in Weissenhorn. It generates heat and electricity for the entire location as well as neighbouring households.